
  1. Java interview for developer. Collections. Part 2 - Maps.

    This is new part of java interview questions. Here is part one. 7. How does HashMap work? I suppose this is the second most popular question on Java collections. I even don't remember interview, where I wasn't asked for this question. Let's look on HashMap briefly. HashMap consists of "…

    java collections interview map hash map

  2. Java interview for developer. Collections. Part 1 - Lists

    About a year ago I've started searching new job and have to visit lots of interviews. I was looking for Java developer work, so most questions were related to the Java language and JVM. The most popular questions were related to Java collections. It was lucky for me that I…

    java collections interview job list linked list array list

  3. Installation of Tizen SDK problem

    I faced with problem during installing Tizen SDK on Linux. It is very simple, but that why I even don't think about it. Official instruction told us to download .bin file for out system and then run it with command ./tizen-sdk-ubuntu64-vX.X.XX.bin It should start Tizen Install Manager.…

    Ubuntu Tizen SDK Error

  4. How to make remote debug of Tizen app with Virtual Box?

    Couple week ago I decided to test Tizen framework and started developing sample application. And I faced with problem of poor performance of virtual device for debug on my Linux. I need to tell that I use such layout: Windows 7 as base OS on my home laptop (called as…

    Tizen Virtual Box Ubuntu Windows

  5. Environment specific logging based on log4j

    I suppose every big project at last face with logging problems, cause during product lifecycle it should pass throught some environments (development, test, production). Ideally each environment should have its own logging setting. I also faced with this problem, when come to new project this year. The project was started…

    how to java spring log4j enviroments