
  1. Date and Size rolling in log4j

    Currently, I am working on a project, where we have faced the problem of the huge size of daily logs. We have some environment, which exists on the same shared file system, so if logs on some environment will consume free disk space, it will cause crashing of other environments.…

    java log4j log log-rolling date-rolling size-rolling

  2. Java interview for developer. Collections. Part 3 - Maps and Trees

    This is the last part of java interview questions for collections. Here is part one and two. 13. In what case you could "lost" element in HashMap? This question is tricky, it's simple to understand, but it is not so transparent at the first glance. Let's imagine a…

    java collections map hash map treemap set treeset

  3. Small picture about data structures

    When I've posted the first time my article Java interview for a developer. Collections. Part 2 - Maps. there was a huge discussion about the fact that the worst time complexity of add, remove and search operations are equal to lg N, if hash-function steady placed elements in buckets. A…

    java collections interview map hash map

  4. Review of book "Java Exception Handling" by Jakob Jenkov

    Some month ago on the site of Jakob Jenkov http://jenkov.com, where I often take a look into some tutorials on Java performed by Jakob, I saw an offer to read a new book "Java Exception Handling", written by Jakob in the case to give him a…

    java java exceptions jakob jenkov book

  5. Dependency Injection, reason to use!

    When I start to look at Guice as light DI framework, I discover that in its manual there is one of the best explanation of term DI and what pros it delivers for developers. I was so impressed, that decided to post it here. Wiring everything together is a tedious…

    java Dependency Injection basics